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Don't get fooled by Internet Speed Claims (Mbps vs MBps explained)

Well, all of us at one point of our life must have thought about the Internet Service Providers and which one is providing the best service. What are the criteria for us to compare the internet service providers?

1) The consistency of Internet Speed
2) Price for the service
3) Free Goodies and Bundled service involved
4) Customer Service

So, what we normally do is go for those providing higher internet speed at lower cost or those providing more value for money. But have we really considered the internet speed we are getting is true speed?

Every internet service provider particularly talks about the internet speed in terms of "Mbps" such as 20Mbps, 30Mbps or 5Mbps etc. It's true that "Mbps" denotes the actual internet connection speeds. Higher Mbps means higher internet connection speed allowing us to down and upload text, audio, and video files faster. But, what we need to understand is Mbps doesn't denote the file speed, for example, you want to download a file which is 12GB and your internet speed is 10 Mbps then, your download time can be 3 hr.

Wondering why? The files size download/upload speed per second is denoted by MBps which is Megabyte per second and not Mbps.

What's the difference between two Mbps and MBps? Both are units of data, with 8 bits equal to 1 byte. So, to determine how many bytes you are capable of downloading or uploading per second, take you Mbps and Divided by 8. That will give you your MBps. Divide your file size by your MBps to determine approximately how long a file will take to download or upload.

Lets look at an example: You want to download a Video with size 10MB. Your internet connection gives you download speeds up to 16 Mbps. Divided by 8 to get an MBps of 2. Now the divide the file size (10MB) by your MBps (2) to get the amount of time it will take to download the file. 10/2=5. It will take approximately 5 seconds to download your 10 MB file with an internet connection of 16 Mbps.

So, next time while renewing your internet plan or thinking of changing the internet service provider, understand your MBps needs first. That way, you can then determine how much Mbps you will require to perform your activities smoothly without interruption.


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