Last Fiscal Year Nepal Government declared that every expense must have either a PAN/VAT invoice or paid to those registered in PAN/VAT. This was a surprise and was throwing most of the malpractices out of the bus. The fraudulent activities such as ghost employees, procurement through unregistered mom & pop stores, and most importantly, all the informal/casual/daily workers who were paid out in cash and had no legal records to demonstrate those exist. It was indeed a good initiative but at the same time government didn't take into account the ground reality. It was and still is hard to find someone registered in tax in rural areas of the country including those working in daily wages or as casual workers. I, personally, think that all the business entities need to get registered and the government shouldn't give them an option. But, even, if we wanted to have all those individuals having the income to file a self-assessment, it might not be feasible for daily workers. Unle...